guy place
We asked tons of girls questions about dating, to give you an idea of what girls think about things, what they like and what they don't . . . . .

We asked girls How far would you go on the first date???
The answer's were much different from yours, most girls said as far as a kiss.
"Matter, where we are, who Im with, but I wouldn't do to much cause I want him to come back for more." -16, PA

Where would you like a guy to tack you on the first date???
Most girls said it doesn't matter as long as their with you, so stop worrying that where ever you tack a girl she going to think its dumb. As long as she's with you that's what makes it special. But here's some ideas the girls said
"If a guy wanted to get my attention he would tack me some where different, like pigging out on ice cream, a afternoon in a boat in the middle of the lake, going out dancing, maybe go to the lake in the middle of the night and go swimming!" says -16, PA
"To a really nice park or something, where we can just listen to music and get to know each other. The place doesn't matter it is what he dose to make it special." -unknown
"Somewhere he usually hangs out." -unknown
"Somewhere like a picnic or out to the lake and just have a nice relaxing time to get to know each other." -20, Kentucky
"I would want to go somewhere where we can get to know each other, like a walk on the beach, dinner." -17, Ontario, Canada

What's the first thing you look at in a guy???
Almost all the girls said the SMILE.

How can a guy catch your eye???
The answer again SMILE, just smile at her and she'll go crazzzzy!!!!!!!
or she say's "By coming over to me and just talkin or else do something really stupid yet funny." -unknown

We asks the girls what Turns you on???
And again a lot of the answer's were *smiling*
Here's some other answers
"pretty eyes, and hands" -21, New York
"a guys voice" -15, Arizona

What do you want in a guy???
We go tons of different answer's for this one . . . .
"A funny, honest, wild but serious at times, nice smile and buff body." -16, PA
"sweet, charming, nice, good-looking, athletic, and nice shoulders." -17, Canada
"I want a relationship built on trust, an honest guy that will tell me when something I've done bothers him and will let me do so too, a guy with a sense of humor that always keep a smile on his face." -unknown
"I want an honest, trustworthy, faithful, romantic, respectful guy" -28, London
"love, commitment, trust, honesty, and fun ..... willing to give all and talk things out through....not to give up when times are tough, cause love heels all wounds." -unknown

What's the perfect gift a guy could give you????
All the girls said they would want a day to just spend with you, and a bonus would be Roses!!!!!!

Here some great advice all the girls have to give you .......

"Don't worry, about where you tack a girl, what you say, or what you do, if she's special and she really likes you she wont care as long as she's with you!" -16, PA

"Be yourself, because if the girl likes you for who you are you know she is genuine, otherwise, she is trying to change you into something your not. Growing up and developing in life is becoming your own person. To grow in a relationship is fine, but don't change to make the woman happy, because you'll never be. Be yourself and the chick will come running." -unknown

"a guy should treat a lady like a lady and should not try anything stupid on the first date." -28, London

"Don't be shy when it comes to expressing you feelings." -20

"Be yourself and don't be shy." -14, Virginia

"You really need to start maturing faster, there are still guys my age that act like 5yrs old, its not a turn on." -15, PA

"When you go out with someone make sure you like them don't just play with their minds." -17, Canada


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