Teen hangout

                       made for teens

Are you hot for adventure, interested in meeting new people, babble and gossip in our chat room, seeking advice, find out stuff you never knew about your favorite stars, learn what people really want and like about the opposite sex; we asked them ourselves, we know, what's in your future find out in our horoscope, and much more...........


Pen-pals . . . meet new people                               RELATIONSHIPS
from all over the world
                                                                        Girl Zone  . . . you can find out
Say Anything  . . . share your most                         what guys really think about
embarrassing moments                                       things, we know, we asked them

Star News  . . . learn stuff you                              Guy Place  . . . you can learn
never knew about your favorite                           what girls really want in a guy
stars                                                                  where's the best place to take
                                                                         her and much more
Horoscope  . . . see what's in your
future                                                               Advice  . . . let us help you with
                                                                       your problems
Poems  . . . send us your poems and
we might use them, come and see the                  Are You Ready . . . for sex, ask
poems we have now                                            yourself these questions

Jokes . . . ha ha ha ha ha                                                Attention Now . .  learn how to get

Summer Time . . . beat those                                 attention, how to steel
boring summer days, here                                               their heart, do they like you?
are a few tips
                                                                                         First Date. . . so you scored that
 Talk back  . . about how much                                      date, now what do you do??
sleep do teens really get ?

 Links  . . . check out these sites                                   Top 10 . . . reasons being singal
                                                                         rules, really check it out!
About US . . . get to know the
people making the site and see                             Get Over It . . . tips on how to get over
how you can help.                                                your ex

                                                                                        Tell All . . .  tell us about your
                                                                         first kiss, read it it's funny.