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studies have shown many teens are deprived of sleep. A study from Brown
University found that teens groove better after staying up late and sleeping
in - but how can teens do that when school starts way early? Other studies
have show teens who slept longer got higher grades then their zombie class
In a resent "YM" magazine said,
"Teens need about 9 hours and 15mins of sleep." But how can we do that,
if we get up at 6:00am every morning he/she would have to be to bed at
9:00 every night. As we read more from "YM" it says "Teens naturally fall
asleep latter then adults." Brown medical recent studies showed, teens
secrete melatonin, the hormone that induces sleep, about an hour later
then adults, melatonin kicks in about 9:30pm for adults and youth children,
but for teen it kicks in at about 10:30pm. That explains why you mite have
a hard time falling a sleep at 9:00pm to get the recommended amount of
sleep. Or sometimes right before we go to bed we watch T.V. on the phone,
or the computer all stuff that stimulates your brain and you don't feel
as tired. So instead of turning off the t.V. or whatever and then go to
bed. Turn everything off a hour before you go to bed.
Some schools in the nation are
changing their schedules so students can get the recommended amount of
sleep, and you wont have to wake up as early. Although that means you'll
get out later, what's that going to mean for people with after school activities
some of then don't get home till 4:30-5:00pm already and barley have enough
time to eat, do their homework, and maybe have a little time to yourself.
So what you think should schools
start later, or should they stay the same???
e-mail us and tell us
what you think and we'll
post it
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